Monday, January 20, 2014

Chicago-Area Fiji Chapters Attend Fiji Academy in St. Louis

All four of our Chicago-area Fiji chapters sent Brothers as delegates to the 39th Fiji Academy in St. Louis on January 3-5, 2014: UW-Madison, University of Chicago, DePaul University, and Northwestern University.

Unfortunately, I did not get photos of the Brothers from our Mu Chapter at UW-Madison or our Chi Upsilon Chapter at the University of Chicago.  But here's what I can document:

Left to right, Brothers from Phi Chapter at Northwestern University: Jared Pratt '16,
Brian Campbell '16, Chris Reichert '16, and Ben Webb '16.
Left to right, Brothers from Lambda Pi Chapter at DePaul University:
Paul Fitzpatrick '16, Pedro Mata '14, Kevin Aguilar '15

Since our Lambda Pi Chapter at DePaul University was the youngest chapter in attendance,
the DePaul Brothers had the honor of presenting the pig at the Academy's annual Norris Pig Dinner.
Well done, Brothers!


Skip Buckley (Wittenberg '80)
Section Chief - Chicago-area
