Monday, August 26, 2013

Help Make History by Supporting our DePaul Delta Colony to Achieve its Phi Gamma Delta Charter on November 2, 2013!

Established in October 2011 with a talented and committed group of young undergraduates, our Fiji Delta Colony at DePaul University in Chicago is now on the doorstep of achieving its official Charter as the newest Chapter in the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta!  Pending approval of their chartering petition in mid-September by Fiji chapters throughout the United States and Canada, the official chartering ceremonies will be held on November 1-2, 2013, on DePaul’s Lincoln Park campus.  All Chicago-area Phi Gam Graduate Brothers will be invited to celebrate this historic achievement!

We Need to Raise at Least $5,000
for DePaul’s Chartering!

Every new chapter in Phi Gamma Delta has to raise enough money for a chartering fee – primarily to pay for ritual supplies for the new chapter – in addition to each Brother’s initiation fee ($250/Brother).  Our DePaul Brothers already are raising money from a generous grant from DePaul University, several fundraising events, and each Brother’s own personal funds, but we invite Chicago-area Graduate Brothers to help create history!

Become a DePaul Founding Chapter Donor:
Chapter Competition to Raise Funds! 

Every chapter founded after our Alpha Chapter at Jefferson College in 1848 was helped by other chapters.  It’s the same today, as Graduate Brothers from eight different Fiji chapters now serve on our Board of Colony Advisors (BCA).  So we’re creating a competition to see which chapter’s Graduate Brothers can raise the most money to help found our new DePaul Chapter!  Special recognition will be given at the chartering banquet on November 2nd to the chapter that raises the most money!

Here are the DePaul Founding Chapter Donor levels, named after the original Immortal Six who founded Phi Gamma Delta 165 years ago:
            John Templeton McCarty Level ($1,000+)               
            • Samuel Beatty Wilson Level ($750 to $999)
            • James Elliott, Jr. Level ($500 to $749)                      
            • Ellis Bailey Gregg Level ($250 to $499)
            • Daniel Webster Crofts Level ($100 to $249)             
            • Naaman Fletcher Level (up to $99)

Please click here to access and download the DePaul Founding Chapter Donor Reply Form:

Once the details of the Chartering Banquet for Saturday, November 2, 2013, are set, we'll invite all Chicago-area Graduate Brothers to attend!
Thanks, Brothers,
Skip Buckley (Wittenberg '80)
Chair, DePaul Board of Colony Advisors
Section Chief - Chicago
Perge! / Press On!



  1. Every new chapter in Phi Gamma Delta has to raise enough money for a chartering fee – primarily to pay for ritual supplies for the new chapter – in addition to each Brother’s initiation fee ($250/Brother). Our DePaul Brothers already are raising money from a generous grant from DePaul University, several fundraising events, wholesale salwar suit online , salwar suits wholesaler , and each Brother’s own personal funds, but we invite Chicago-area Graduate Brothers to help create history!
