Tuesday, March 10, 2015

2015 Pig Dinner Registration for April 23rd is Now Open!

Chicago-Area Fiji Brothers:

Please join us for our 13th Annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner:

Thursday, April 23, 2015
5:30 p.m. Fellowship Cocktail Hour
(cash bar)
6:30 p.m. Pig Dinner
Petterino’s Restaurant, Chicago, Illinois
Entrance at 50 West Randolph Street (Dearborn and Randolph)
Keynote Speaker:  Bill Downing
(Wittenberg ’15),
International Fraternity Archon Councilor
$45.00/person (a bargain!)

There are over 100,000 living Fijis throughout the world, and only nine of them are current Archons.  There are over 6,000 Undergraduate Brothers at 150-plus chapters and colonies in the U.S. and Canada, and only two of them are current Archons.  We have the honor and privilege to hear one of those Undergraduate Archons as our Pig Dinner keynote speaker, Bill Downing (Wittenberg '15).

Bill Downing is a former chapter president, former Rush chair, and is a current pledge education committee chair for our Sigma Chapter at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio.  During the summer of 2014, while in a Chicago internship, he lived at the Northwestern Chapter for a couple of weeks, attended the DePaul Chapter's officers' installation ceremony, spoke at the University of Chicago Pig Dinner, and attended the Chicago Graduate Chapter's Cubs' game.  He knows Chicago, and he knows the Undergraduate and Graduate Brothers from the chapters sponsoring this year's special Pig Dinner!

So, I hope you will join us on Thursday, April 23rd, for our Annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner!  You can download an RSVP form at this link:

Questions?  Please contact me at gabjr33@comcast.net.  Thanks, Brothers!


Skip Buckley, (Wittenberg '80)
Section Chief - Chicago-Area
President, Chicago Graduate Chapter
